14 de March de 2023

What is the corporate sustainability strategy?

In the foreseeable future, few companies will ask themselves about ¿what is a sustainability strategy?what is a sustainability strategy?? However, the term remains unknown to some today. Let’s see what it consists of and what advantages it has for business organizations.

Corporate sustainability strategies: for a possible model of growth

By environmental sustainability strategy o corporate sustainability strategy is defined as any action plan aimed at integrating an environmental
environmental perspective
into the company, from production processes to management models, logistics, distribution and even promotion.

In short, the sustainability strategies strategies seek to integrate the new circular economy model pursued by the EU into the company’s DNA.
the new circular economy model pursued by the EU
and the goals established by the
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. In other words, a new way of understanding our way of producing and consuming that will guarantee the
environmental protection
but also of a sustainable
sustainable development
development, fair for society and healthy for people.

Environmental, but also social sustainability

Any sustainability strategy of a company involves the company must implement measures to ensure that it respects the natural environment.
respect for the natural environment
The company’s activity does not have a negative impact on the planet, but neither does it have a negative impact on those who live there.

With regard to this last point, companies must also adopt social sustainability and corporate responsibility plans. social sustainability and corporate responsibility planswhich, together with environmental plans, give rise to what is known as corporate sustainability. corporate sustainability. The latter incorporates
Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact
. Among them, the support and respect for the protection of the
fundamental human rights
The abolition of discriminatory practices in employment and occupation or the eradication of corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.

Corporate sustainability and Sustainable Development Goals

The sustainability in the company unequivocally involves the assumption of the 17 Sustainable Development 17 Sustainable Development Goals as their own. Obviously, the sector in which each corporation operates, its activity, will determine the adequacy of such objectives and how to practice sustainable development based on the same. However, there are those that are common to all business organizations, such as those that talk about
gender equality
decent work and economic growth

But it is undoubtedly number 12, which talks about
Guaranteeing sustainable consumption and production modalities,
the one that has the greatest impact on the production models of Spanish companies and on their adaptation to ecological criteria.

¿What is sustainable development? according to this objective? One based on the efficient use of natural resources, the reduction of food waste, the reduction of food
environmentally sound management
of chemicals and the management and reduction of all wastes, and support for developing countries in strengthening their scientific and technological capacity, among others.

Environmental, but also social sustainability

Any sustainability strategy of a company involves the company must implement measures to ensure that it respects the natural environment.
respect for the natural environment
The company’s activity does not have a negative impact on the planet, but neither does it have a negative impact on those who live there.

With regard to this last point, companies must also adopt social sustainability and corporate responsibility plans. social sustainability and corporate responsibility planswhich, together with environmental plans, give rise to what is known as corporate sustainability. corporate sustainability. The latter incorporates
Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact
. Among them, the support and respect for the protection of the
fundamental human rights
The abolition of discriminatory practices in employment and occupation or the eradication of corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.

Corporate sustainability and Sustainable Development Goals

The sustainability in the company unequivocally involves the assumption of the 17 Sustainable Development 17 Sustainable Development Goals as their own. Obviously, the sector in which each corporation operates, its activity, will determine the adequacy of such objectives and how to practice sustainable development based on the same. However, there are those that are common to all business organizations, such as those that talk about
gender equality
decent work and economic growth

But it is undoubtedly number 12, which talks about
Guaranteeing sustainable consumption and production modalities,
the one that has the greatest impact on the production models of Spanish companies and on their adaptation to ecological criteria.

¿What is sustainable development? according to this objective? One based on the efficient use of natural resources, the reduction of food waste, the reduction of food
environmentally sound management
of chemicals and the management and reduction of all wastes, and support for developing countries in strengthening their scientific and technological capacity, among others.

Why environmental sustainability is important to a company

The environmental sustainability is important for a company for many reasons, but not least because its economic sustainability depends on it. economic sustainability.

There is an economic dimension of sustainability inescapable, with indicators indicators that measure the capacity of companies to develop their activity without compromising the necessary resources.
without compromising the resources needed for the future.
resources for the future.

On the other hand, environmental environmental sustainability is marking the steps towards the consolidation of the circular economy model which has already begun to be implemented in the EU and other parts of the world.

Among the benefits of the circular economy include:

  • The slowdown in the use of natural resources.
  • Reduced landscape disturbance and biodiversity loss.
  • Reduction of total annual greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Creation of more efficient products that favor a lower consumption of energy and resources, with the consequent economic savings.
  • The generation of a smaller amount of waste and the savings that it entails for its management.
  • Less dependence on raw materials and other countries.
  • Creation of more competitive and qualified employment.
  • Stimulus to innovation.

For all these reasons and more, it is important to ensure the environmental environmental sustainability of companies.

Environmental management systems in companies

is a fulcrum for the race towards environmental environmental management of companies and the implementation of a sustainability strategy.

The new environmental environmental management systemsbased on
SAP integrated management technology solutions
The new environmental management systems, based on SAP integrated management technology solutions, are effective in providing the indicators and tools needed to achieve environmental objectives within the organization.

Do you want to implement circular processes throughout your supply and value chain? Do you want to reduce your environmental impact and minimize the carbon footprint of your activity or products? Go for an SAP environmental management system in your company.

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